For the COMPLETE ISSUE please click HERE.

ISSN (Online): 2075-0528

Published: Aug 25, 2022

Cold Bubble Humidification of Oxygen

Old habits die hard

309-313 Sugata Dasgupta, Shrestha Ghosh, Atanu Chandra

Female Genital Tuberculosis Among Infertile Women and Its Contributions to Primary and Secondary Infertility

A systematic review and meta-analysis

314-324 Musa AE Ahmed, Abdullah AA Mohammed, Abiodun O Ilesanmi, Christopher O Aimakhu, Amel O Bakhiet, Suad BM Hamad

Adenoid Ameloblastoma with Dentinoid

A systematic review

325-338 Sanpreet S Sachdev, Tabita J Chettiankandy, Manisha A Sardar, Yogita Adhane, Aakruti M Shah, Alphonsa E Grace

Elevated Peripheral Blood Eosinophils during Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Prevalence and clinical significance

339-342 Maitha Al Sibani, Abdullah M. Al Alawi, Jamal Al Aghbari

Nursing Students’ Perception and Attitude towards Objective Structured Clinical Examination in Oman

343-350 Shaikha Alamri, Iman Al Hashmi, Kholah Shruba, Suad Jamaan, Zaina Alrahbi, Thuraiya Al Kaabi

The Accuracy of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Performed by Emergency Physicians in Detecting Hydronephrosis in Patients with Renal Colic

351-356 Abdulaziz Al-Balushi, Amal Al-Shibli, Abdullah Al-Reesi, Qazi Zia Ullah, Waleed Al-Shukaili, Saleh Baawain, Hamoud Al-Dhuhli, Mohammed Al-Shamsi, Ahmed Al-Hubaishi, Al Yaqdhan H Al-Atbi

The Findings of Pulmonary Nocardiosis on Chest High Resolution Computed Tomography

Single centre experience and review of literature

357-361 Rashid S Al Umairi, Nenad Pandak, Mohammed Al Busaidi

Can Medical Students Evaluate Medical Websites?

A mixed-methods study from Oman

362-369 Teresa Loda, Ken Masters, Stephan Zipfel, Anne Herrmann-Werner

The Effect of Happiness Training on Psychological Well-Being in Patients with Thalassaemia Major

A quasi-experimental study

370-375 Mohammad S Sargolzaei, Milad G Shirsavar, Jasem Allahyari, Ali Bazi, Abolghasem P Nasirabady

Evaluating the Effect of Peer Education on the Hope of Patients with Thalassaemia Major

A quasi-experimental study

376-381 Mahnaz Seyedoshohadaee, Alice Khachian, Hamid Haghani, Mohammad S Sargolzaei

Genitourinary Symptoms Associated with Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Oman

382-386 Zakariya Al-Muharrmi, Richard Lau, Ahad Al-Balushi, Alyazi Al-Saadi, Zeyana Al-Habsi, Ali Elgalib, Samir Shah, Maha Al-Fouri, Bader Al-Rawahi, Seif Al-Abri

Experience of Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair using the Anatomical Subunit Technique in an Omani Population over a Five-Year Period

387-392 Sheikhan Al Hashmi, Malak Al Wahaibi, Sony P Varghese, Maather Al Abri, Moath A Shummo, Buthina Al Muqbali

Evaluation of Ruxolitinib versus Best Available Therapy in Treating Primary Myelofibrosis

393-399 Kawa M Hasan, Ahmed Y Elmeshhadany, Nazar P Shabila

Post COVID-19 Guillain-Barré-Syndrome (GBS)

A case report from Oman

409-412 Mohammed M Al-Zadjali, Emaad Al Shibli, Mohammed Al Maskari, Arunodaya R Gujjar, Abdullah Al Asmi

Intralesional Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine for Genital Warts

Report of two cases with a review of literature

413-416 Al-Mu'tasim Al-Qassabi, Fahad Al-Farsi

Giant Gastroduodenal Duplication Cyst with Juxta-Pancreatic Communication

A rare intraoperative finding

417-420 Jhon F Martinez-Paredes, Daniel G Plata-Diaz, Adriana Pinilla

The Diagnostic Dilemma of Ruptured Liver Metastasis in a Patient with Lung Cancer

A case report

421-425 KS Jayanth, Shivakumar Madan, Balakrishnan Gurushankari, Sathasivam Sureshkumar, Amaranathan Anandhi, Rajesh NG, Vikram Kate

Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Successful response to topical imiquimod

426-427 Jose M Llamas-Molina, Francisco J Navarro-Triviño, Ricardo Ruiz-Villaverde

Aphallia Associated with Anorectal Malformation

428-429 Ruben Blachman-Braun, Cinthia Galvez, Christian Guevara, Raquel Quintanilla, Alireza Alam

Twin Gestation with Complete Hydatidiform Mole and Demise of Co-Existing Fetus

430-431 Ravikanth Reddy

Emphysematous Gastritis on Computed Tomography

432-434 Asma AlHatmi, Sameer B Raniga, Alok Mittal