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 Large-Scale Simulation results of the transition of a gas-liquid stratified flow to slug flow regime in circular 3D oil transport pipes under turbulent flow conditions expressed. Free surface flow in the pipe is treated using the Level Set method. Turbulence is approached via the LES and VLES methodologies extended to interfacial two-phase flows. It is shown that only with the Level Set method the flow transition can be accurately predicted, better than with the two-fluid phase-average model. The transition from stratified to slug flow is found to be subsequent to the merging of the secondary wave modes created by the action of gas shear (short waves) with the first wave mode (high amplitude long wave). The model is capable of predicting global flow features like the onset of slugging and slug speed. In the second test case, the model predicts different kinds of slugs, the so-called operating slugs formed upstream that fill entirely the pipe with water slugs of length scales of the order of 2-4 D, and lower size (1-1.5 D) disturbance slugs, featuring lower hold-up (0.8-0.9). The model predicts well the frequency of slugs. The simulations revealed important parameter effects on the results, such as two-dimensionality, pipe length, and water holdup.



Stratified flow Two-phase flow Level-set method

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How to Cite
Lakehal, D., Labois, M., Caviezel, D., & Belhouachi, B. (2011). Transition of Gas-Liquid Stratified Flow in Oil Transport Pipes. The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER], 8(2), 49–58.


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