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This paper presents a finite element model for idealisation of reinforced concrete hollow beams using 2D plane elements. The method of ensuring compatibility between the plates using two-dimensional model to analyze this type of structures is discussed. Cross-sectional distortion was minimised by incorporating end diaphragms in the FE model. Experimental results from eight reinforced concrete hollow beams are compared with the non-linear predictions produced by a 2D in-house FE program. The beam dimensions were 300x300 mm cross section with 200x200 mm hollow core and 3800 mm long. The beam ends were filled with concrete to form solid end diaphragms to prevent local distortion. The beams were subjected to combined bending, torsion and shear. It was found that the two-dimensional idealisation of hollow beams is adequate provided that compatibility of displacements between adjoining plates along the line of intersection is maintained and the cross-sectional distortion is reduced to minimum. The results from the 2D in-house finite element program showed a good agreement with experimental results.



2D analysis Finite element method Hollow beams Bending Torsion Shear Combined load Numerical model

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How to Cite
Al-Nuaimi, A., & Bhatt, P. (2005). 2D Idealisation of Hollow Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Combined Torsion, Bending and Shear. The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER], 2(1), 53–68.


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