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 In this work, a two-step approach is adopted for scheduling tasks with synchronous inter-task communication. To that end, an efficient algorithm, called GLB-Synch, is introduced for mapping clusters and ordering tasks on processors. The algorithm used the information obtained during the clustering step for selecting a cluster to be mapped on the least loaded processor. A performance study has been conducted on the GLB-Synch algorithm by simulation. A multi-step scheduling setup has been performed based on a previously developed algorithm for clustering DAGs with synchronous communication, called NLC-SynchCom, and using synthesized DAGs. We have shown by analysis and experimentation that the GLB-Synch algorithm retains the same low complexity cost of the first step for clustering. The performance results highlight the drawback of synchronization on speedup scalability.



Multi-step scheduling Clustering Mapping and ordering Synchronous message passing Duistributed-memory systems

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How to Cite
Arafeh, B. (2005). A Multi-Step Approach for Scheduling Tasks with Synchronization on Clusters of Computers. The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER], 2(1), 77–89.


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