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Control of transmitted power is crucial for the successful operation of multi-user wireless channels communications. There are practical situations in which the transmitted power cannot be adjusted by feedback information; hence, only forward transmit power allocation can be applied, especially in situations where a feedback channel is not available in a wireless network or when wireless nodes are only transmit types. Conventionally, transmitted power can be fixed. Higher gain may be observed if the sensors’ transmitted power is randomized. In this work, random power allocation for a Nakagami-m distributed wireless channel model was investigated, and a number of random distributions were evaluated theoretically and tested by simulations. The outage probability was evaluated theoretically and validated by Monte Carlo simulations.



Random power control Nakagami channel Weibull distribution.

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How to Cite
Tarhuni, N. G., Elmusrati, M., & Al-Nadabi, M. (2016). Stochastic Allocation of Transmit Power for Realistic Wireless Channel Models. The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER], 13(1), 72–79.


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