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Manufacturing organizations have become more complex in recent time as a result of technological advances. Communication among production workers operating in an environment marked by increased organizational complexity may require planning for the economically appropriate selection of network channels/media with enhanced productivity. This paper examines traditional and modern communication channels (media) and their comparative advantages over one another in their adoption in manufacturing organizations. In this framework, six media (human messengers, mobile-phones, intranet, fixed-internet, mobile-internet, and private branch exchange [PBX] phone systems) were subjected to analyses using five identified network patterns (all-channel, chain, Y, wheel, and circle) of interactions in manufacturing organizations. Costs, benefits, and the utility of the channels were integrated into the model and utilized to determine the most sustainable media that could enhance productivity in industry. The developed model was implemented using expert data/information collected from the plastic production industry. The results of an availability assessment showed that the enhancement of productivity could be fully achieved by utilizing mobile phones and internet networks, but when considering overall utility, only mobile phones could bring about the desired productivity with 0.59 probability. The findings suggest that the system developed is robust in revealing how productivity might be affected by means of communication among industrial workers.
Article Details
- Adams SM., Sarkis J, Liles DH (1995), A tool for the development of strategic performance metrics for enterprise activities. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Institute of Industrial Engineers. Nashville, TN.
- Balschbach G, Klinke J, Jaehne B (1998), Multichannel shape from shading techniques for moving specular surfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1407: 170-184.
- Bhattacharjee D (2007), A proposed cost-benefit analysis model for physical form analysis for a futuristic submarine decision support system. Unpublished MSc. Thesis, System Design and Management Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Biggiero L (1999), Complexity and organization in modern day. International Handbook of IT/S, Italian Conference on Systemics. Apogeo. Milan.
- Cevasco J, Marmolejo RF (2013), The importance of studying prosody in the comprehension of spontaneous spoken discourse. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia 45(1): 21-33.
- CIA World Factbook (2011), / library / publications / the-world-factbook / geos.html Access on 27th August, 2011.
- Drucker PF (2002), The discipline of innovation. Harvard Business Review 95-98.
- Feital T, Kruger U, Dutra J, Pinto JC, Lima EL (2013), Modelling and performance monitoring of multivariate multimodal processes, AIChE Journal 59(5):1557-1569. Finnie GR, Wittig GE, Petkov DI (1993), Prioritizing software development productivity factors using the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Systems and Software 22(2): 129-139.
- Froehle CM (2006), Service personnel, technology, and their interaction in influencing customer satisfaction. Decision Sciences Journal 37(1): 5–38.
- Gurbaxani V, Plice R (2004), A model of network-centric organizations. Working Paper UCI CRITO Consortium, http:// Accessed 30th November, 2009.
- Hurley S (2008), The shared circuits model (SCM): how control, mirroring, and simulation can enable imitation, deliberation, and mindreading. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 31(1): 1-22.
- Jackson P, Skirrow P, Hare DJ (2012), Asperger through the looking glass: an exploratory study of self-understanding in people with Asperger's syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42(5): 697-706.
- Jaques E (1998), Requisite organization, a tool system for effective managerial organization and managerial leadership for 21st century. Cason Hall and Co Pub. North America, USA.
- Kareem B (2014), Cost –benefit model for optimal selection of communication channels in manufacturing organisation. NED University Journal of Research-Applied Sciences XI(2): 1-13.
- Kareem B (2015), Evaluation of failures in mechanical crankshafts of automobile based on expert opinion. Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis 3(1): 25-33.
- Kleinbaum AM, Stuar TE, and Tushman ML (2008), Communication and coordination in a modern, complex organization. ml Accessed 30th November, 2009.
- Kuboye BM., Alese BK Fajuyigbe O (2009), Congestion analysis on the Nigerian global system for mobile communications (GSM) network. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 10(1): 262-271.
- Larkin TJ, Larkin S (2005), Communicating big change: using small communication (2nd Edition). Larkin Communication Consulting.
- Li C, Pickup D, Saunders T, Cosker D, Marshall D, Hall P, Willis P (2013), Water surface modelling from a single viewpoint video. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (7): 1242-1251.
- Lievrouw LA (2008), Communication. Microsoft Encarta 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.
- Lu L, Yu X (2012), A multimedia teaching method research of animation production in China, ICCSE 2012 - Proceedings of 2012 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Education. 1495-1497.
- Mackenzie KD (1978), Organizational structure. AHM Publishing Corporation. Ahmedabad, India.
- NDB-Nigeria Data Bank (2007), Nigeria GSM statistic. December 2007.
- Nohria N, Eccles R (1992), Face-to-face: making network organisations work. In: Nohria N. and R. Eccles (eds.) Networks and Organisations: Structure, Form and Action. Boston.
- Nohria N, Ghoshal S (1997), The differentiated network. Organizing multinational corporations for value creation. Jossey- Bass, San Francisco.
- Mtega WP, Msungu AC (2013), Using information and communication technologies for enhancing the accessibility of agricultural information for improved agricultural production in Tanzania. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 56(1): 1-14.
- Nagy M (2013), A multi-channel communication framework. Communications in Computer and Information Science 347: 72-88.
- Nucci M, Grassi M, Piazza F (2013), Ontologybased device configuration and management for smart homes. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 19: 301- 310
- Nyambo B, Ligate E (2013), Smallholder information sources and communication pathways for cashew production and marketing in Tanzania: an ex-post study in Tandahimba and Lindi Rural Districts, Southern Tanzania. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 19 (1): 73-92.
- Olokede SS (2009), Reliability analysis of fixed wireless networks in Nigeria. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 10(1): 251- 255.
- Opperman SB (2013), Modernization and rural health in Mexico: The case of the Tepalcatepec Commission. Endeavour 37 (1): 47-55.
- Payne AC, Chelsom JV, Reavill LRP (1996), Management for Engineers. John Wiley and Sons, England.
- Saaty TL (1990), How to make a decision: the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research 48(1): 9-26.
- Saaty TL (2008), Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Services and Sciences 1(1): 83-98.
- Shannon CE (1948), A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal 27(6): 379-423.
- Sooksumrarn P, Krairiksh M (2013), UHF wireless communication channel in a tree canopy. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest) article no. 6393914: 311-314
- Stohl C (1995), Organizational communicationconnectedness in action. Sage Publications London, New Delhi.
- Urwick LF (1943), Personnel management in relation to factory organization. L. Urwick Institute of Labour Management, London.
- Urwick LF (1974), The manager’s span of control. The Academy of Management Journal 10(1): 349-354.
- Vargas LG (1990), An overview of the analytic hierarchy process and its applications. European Journal of Operational Research 48(1): 2-8.
- Wada S, Sasaoka N, Itoh Y, Okello J, Kobayashi M (2013), Speech enhancement based on bias free noise reconstruction method.
- ISPACS 2012 - IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems, article no. 6473537: 479-484.
- Yates JA, Orlikowski WJ, Okamura K (1999), Explicit and implicit structuring of genres in electronic communication: reinforcement and change of social interaction. Organization Science 10(4): 83-103.
- Zhao Y, Xue X, Zhang T (2013), Receiverchannel based adaptive blind equalization approach for GPS dynamic multipath mitigation 2013. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 26(2): 378-384.
Adams SM., Sarkis J, Liles DH (1995), A tool for the development of strategic performance metrics for enterprise activities. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Institute of Industrial Engineers. Nashville, TN.
Balschbach G, Klinke J, Jaehne B (1998), Multichannel shape from shading techniques for moving specular surfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1407: 170-184.
Bhattacharjee D (2007), A proposed cost-benefit analysis model for physical form analysis for a futuristic submarine decision support system. Unpublished MSc. Thesis, System Design and Management Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Biggiero L (1999), Complexity and organization in modern day. International Handbook of IT/S, Italian Conference on Systemics. Apogeo. Milan.
Cevasco J, Marmolejo RF (2013), The importance of studying prosody in the comprehension of spontaneous spoken discourse. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia 45(1): 21-33.
CIA World Factbook (2011), / library / publications / the-world-factbook / geos.html Access on 27th August, 2011.
Drucker PF (2002), The discipline of innovation. Harvard Business Review 95-98.
Feital T, Kruger U, Dutra J, Pinto JC, Lima EL (2013), Modelling and performance monitoring of multivariate multimodal processes, AIChE Journal 59(5):1557-1569. Finnie GR, Wittig GE, Petkov DI (1993), Prioritizing software development productivity factors using the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Systems and Software 22(2): 129-139.
Froehle CM (2006), Service personnel, technology, and their interaction in influencing customer satisfaction. Decision Sciences Journal 37(1): 5–38.
Gurbaxani V, Plice R (2004), A model of network-centric organizations. Working Paper UCI CRITO Consortium, http:// Accessed 30th November, 2009.
Hurley S (2008), The shared circuits model (SCM): how control, mirroring, and simulation can enable imitation, deliberation, and mindreading. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 31(1): 1-22.
Jackson P, Skirrow P, Hare DJ (2012), Asperger through the looking glass: an exploratory study of self-understanding in people with Asperger's syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42(5): 697-706.
Jaques E (1998), Requisite organization, a tool system for effective managerial organization and managerial leadership for 21st century. Cason Hall and Co Pub. North America, USA.
Kareem B (2014), Cost –benefit model for optimal selection of communication channels in manufacturing organisation. NED University Journal of Research-Applied Sciences XI(2): 1-13.
Kareem B (2015), Evaluation of failures in mechanical crankshafts of automobile based on expert opinion. Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis 3(1): 25-33.
Kleinbaum AM, Stuar TE, and Tushman ML (2008), Communication and coordination in a modern, complex organization. ml Accessed 30th November, 2009.
Kuboye BM., Alese BK Fajuyigbe O (2009), Congestion analysis on the Nigerian global system for mobile communications (GSM) network. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 10(1): 262-271.
Larkin TJ, Larkin S (2005), Communicating big change: using small communication (2nd Edition). Larkin Communication Consulting.
Li C, Pickup D, Saunders T, Cosker D, Marshall D, Hall P, Willis P (2013), Water surface modelling from a single viewpoint video. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (7): 1242-1251.
Lievrouw LA (2008), Communication. Microsoft Encarta 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.
Lu L, Yu X (2012), A multimedia teaching method research of animation production in China, ICCSE 2012 - Proceedings of 2012 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Education. 1495-1497.
Mackenzie KD (1978), Organizational structure. AHM Publishing Corporation. Ahmedabad, India.
NDB-Nigeria Data Bank (2007), Nigeria GSM statistic. December 2007.
Nohria N, Eccles R (1992), Face-to-face: making network organisations work. In: Nohria N. and R. Eccles (eds.) Networks and Organisations: Structure, Form and Action. Boston.
Nohria N, Ghoshal S (1997), The differentiated network. Organizing multinational corporations for value creation. Jossey- Bass, San Francisco.
Mtega WP, Msungu AC (2013), Using information and communication technologies for enhancing the accessibility of agricultural information for improved agricultural production in Tanzania. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 56(1): 1-14.
Nagy M (2013), A multi-channel communication framework. Communications in Computer and Information Science 347: 72-88.
Nucci M, Grassi M, Piazza F (2013), Ontologybased device configuration and management for smart homes. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 19: 301- 310
Nyambo B, Ligate E (2013), Smallholder information sources and communication pathways for cashew production and marketing in Tanzania: an ex-post study in Tandahimba and Lindi Rural Districts, Southern Tanzania. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 19 (1): 73-92.
Olokede SS (2009), Reliability analysis of fixed wireless networks in Nigeria. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 10(1): 251- 255.
Opperman SB (2013), Modernization and rural health in Mexico: The case of the Tepalcatepec Commission. Endeavour 37 (1): 47-55.
Payne AC, Chelsom JV, Reavill LRP (1996), Management for Engineers. John Wiley and Sons, England.
Saaty TL (1990), How to make a decision: the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research 48(1): 9-26.
Saaty TL (2008), Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Services and Sciences 1(1): 83-98.
Shannon CE (1948), A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal 27(6): 379-423.
Sooksumrarn P, Krairiksh M (2013), UHF wireless communication channel in a tree canopy. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest) article no. 6393914: 311-314
Stohl C (1995), Organizational communicationconnectedness in action. Sage Publications London, New Delhi.
Urwick LF (1943), Personnel management in relation to factory organization. L. Urwick Institute of Labour Management, London.
Urwick LF (1974), The manager’s span of control. The Academy of Management Journal 10(1): 349-354.
Vargas LG (1990), An overview of the analytic hierarchy process and its applications. European Journal of Operational Research 48(1): 2-8.
Wada S, Sasaoka N, Itoh Y, Okello J, Kobayashi M (2013), Speech enhancement based on bias free noise reconstruction method.
ISPACS 2012 - IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems, article no. 6473537: 479-484.
Yates JA, Orlikowski WJ, Okamura K (1999), Explicit and implicit structuring of genres in electronic communication: reinforcement and change of social interaction. Organization Science 10(4): 83-103.
Zhao Y, Xue X, Zhang T (2013), Receiverchannel based adaptive blind equalization approach for GPS dynamic multipath mitigation 2013. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 26(2): 378-384.