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 This paper investigates the possibility of constructing multi-microgrids by interlinking the rural area systems in the Al Wusta governorate of the Sultanate of Oman, which are currently being supplied by diesel generators. It is proposed to enhance the rural system under study by switching off small diesel stations and replacing them with wind turbines. The microgrids formed in this way are then interlinked together to create multi-microgrids. The paper studies the interlinked multi-microgrids under different scenarios; in terms of voltage profiles and power flow using the ETAP software package. This study contributes to the feasibility study of retiring some diesel power plants and using renewable energy resources in rural Oman.


Microgrids Distributed generation Renewable energy Distributed energy resources Multi-microgrids Rural electricity Oman.

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How to Cite
Hosseinzadeh, N., Al Shereiqi, A., Albadi, M., & Al-Hinai, A. (2018). Constructing A Multi-Microgrid with the Inclusion of Renewable Energy in Oman’s Rural Power System. The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER], 15(1), 61–72.


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