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Energy audits are crucial for identifying opportunities to enhance efficiency and promote sustainability in the energy sector. In Oman, air conditioning systems account for about 50% of the nation's electricity use, reaching up to 70% in summer due to temperatures as high as 50°C. This study aimed to analyze energy consumption, focusing on air conditioning and refrigeration systems, using an academic building as a case study to improve energy efficiency and sustainability. A series of energy audits identified opportunities for energy conservation in the building's systems. The audit revealed that implementing various low-cost, high-cost, and zero-cost strategies could enhance energy efficiency and sustainability, resulting in an annual energy savings of 37.6%. Zero-cost initiatives, such as turning off HVAC systems when unoccupied, closing main doors, and setting thermostat temperatures to 24ºC, reduced energy consumption by 10%. Low-cost measures, including installing occupancy sensors for lighting and ensuring proper HVAC maintenance, led to a 20.8% reduction. High-cost measures, such as installing windows with lower Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) values, resulted in approximately 6.8% energy savings.


Efficiency Energy Audit HVAC Middle East College Sustainability

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How to Cite
Kandothillath, F. J. ., & Guangul, F. M. . (2024). Energy Auditing of HVAC Systems for the Enhancement of Efficiency and Sustainability. The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER], 21(1), 71–86.