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 In contrast to the rest of wireless communication technologies, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology enjoys different gain mechanisms that make it very attractive for reliable high data rate wireless communications. This paper presents a study on these gain mechanisms with particular emphasis on the case of high average received signal to noise ratio (SNR) where the MIMO system deployment is most promising. We write the MIMO channel capacity in terms of gains relative to a single- input single-output (SISO) wireless channel. Doing so, spatial multiplexing gain and power gain of MIMO wireless channels become more insightful. Based on this analysis a switching scheme between spatial multiplexing and transmit diversity is proposed. We support our discussion with numerical results which show that under a high data rate spatial multiplexing scheme the contribution of each gain mechanism to the total channel capacity depends on the channel Ricean factor, the average received SNR, and the MIMO system size. The proposed switching scheme gives about 2 dB gain in bit error rate performance relative to the spatial multiplexing mode.



MIMO channel Gain mechanisms Channel capacity Spatial multiplexing gain Diversity gain Switching scheme

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How to Cite
Abouda, A. A., & Tarhuni, N. (2010). MIMO Channel Gain Mechanisms Relative to SISO Channel. The Journal of Engineering Research [TJER], 7(2), 40–47.


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