Published: Jan 7, 2018

Design of a Testing Facility for Investigation of Drill Pipes Fatigue Failure

105-114 Jamil Abdo, E. Hassan, A. Al-Shabibi, J. Kwak

Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Aligned Date Palm Frond Fiber-Reinforced Low Density Polyethylene

115-123 Khaled AlZebdeh, M. M. Nassar, M.A. Al-Hadhrami, O. Al-Aamri, S. Al-Defaai, S. Al-Shuaily

Influence of Exposure to an Aggressive Environment on Cyclic Fatigue Response and Life of an Alloy Steel

124-136 Tirumalai Srivatsan, K. Manigandan, A. Patnaika, T.S. Srivatsan

Development of Bioclimatic Design Tool for Oman Using Dry Bulb and Dew Point Temperatures Open Database

137-144 Nasser Al-Azri, Y. Zurigat, N. Al-Rawahi

Assessment of the Extent of Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) and Cost of Quality (COQ) Concepts – A Case from a Developing Country

145-155 M.B. Ramzan, S.M. Qureshi, M. Ullah, M.S. Memon, M.A. Siddiqui

An Enhanced Smith Predictor Based Control System Using Feedback-feedforward Structure for Time-delay Processes

156-165 M. Mohammadzaheri, R. Tafreshi

Design of Biomechanical Legs with a Passive Toe Joint for Enhanced Human-like Walking

166-181 Riadh Zaier, A. Al-Yahmedi

Investigation of Effective Parameters of Drop-on-Demand Droplet Generator

182-190 Mojtaba Ghodsi, M. Ghodsi, Y. Hojjat, H. Sadeghian, H. Ziaiefar, M. Mohammadzaheri, A. Al-Yahmedi

Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Pulsatile Flows through an Artery with Stenosis

191-205 Abdus Samad, A. Husain, M. Zunaid, A. Samad