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Nature is full of geographical kinetic phenomena; some are tangible such as population emigration, money transfer, goods movement and transportation. Yet others are intangible such as energy, thoughts, reputation and civilization. These phenomena have got specific characteristics while moving such as the movement’s route, speed, locations, strength of the kinetic phenomena and their type and structure. Different geographical kinetic phenomena can be illustrated on maps called “Animation Maps”, which are considered part of the Thematic Maps, based on their nature and function by the motion symbols. This article studies most of the cartographic representation methods that are used in designing Thematic Maps. It also concentrates on motion symbolizing methods. It studies the nature and types of kinetic phenomena and identifies their different characteristics, and presents and analyzes its numerous demonstration ways on maps, using animation symbols. Finally, it reveals the best ways to design and present Animation Maps. This paper aims to study kinetic phenomena and their kinds and characteristics, and to analyze the methods currently used to demonstrate them on Animation Maps. This leads to suggest new methods and ways in this field, in order to assist in demonstrating geographical phenomena on maps accurately and clearly. The study reached a number of results such as determining cartographic representation methods and their fields, and finding the best optimal representation methods of kinetic geographical phenomena, and their different characteristics on Thematic Maps, and thus determining the best methods to design and present Animation Maps.


Thematic Maps Flow Maps Animated Phenomena Methods of Map Representation

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