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The results of many scientific studies indicate the importance of emotional intelligence in different aspects of life (professional and educational life). Therefore, educational institutions paid attention to it and this interest is represented in the development of its programs to include the emotional and social aspects. The aim of the research is to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence skills and the trend toward life, and to indicate whether the trend towards life can be predicted through emotional intelligence skills, and which of these skills are more significant in influencing the direction of life. The measurement tools were (Emotional Intelligence Skills Scale - A measure of the direction towards life). The research sample consisted of (210) students from the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University in the academic year 2016-2017. The results of the study indicated that there is a statistically significant relationship between emotional intelligence skills and life orientation. The value of (P) was 15.343. which is a statistical function at the level of (0.01), indicating the effectiveness of predicting the impact of emotional intelligence skills, which is the subject of research on the trend towards life. The results also show that the skill (understanding others’ emotions interacting with others) was the most influential factor in the direction of life.


Emotional Intelligence Skills Direction Towards Life

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