Instructions to Author

Submission Guidelines

The following guidelines must be followed and the manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines will not be considered for publication in this journal.

1.The research paper should not have been published previously or submitted to other publications once it is sent to JEPS. The researcher should undertake not to submit it for publication before being informed of the decision on the status of the manuscript submitted.

2.The submitted manuscript should not be part of a book or a chapter in a book, or any previously published work.

3.Any paper that has been published or considered for publication in JEPS  republished in other journals only after obtaining written permission from the editor. In this case, publication in this journal should be acknowledged.

4.The JEPS retains the copyright of its publications.

5.The JEPS shall have the right to request the deletion or modification of any part of the paper in accordance with the publishing policy.

6.The Editorial Boardof JEPS shall have the right to scrutinize, order and prioritize the manuscripts according to journal policies.

7.The researchers must observe academic integrity and accuracy in citing other sources and accurately documenting these sources in the text and in the reference list/bibliography. The researchers shall bear full legal responsibility in the event of violating academic integrity after the manuscript is published.

8.The citation and documentation of references in the paper should conform to the guidelines and format of American Association of Psychology APA version 7.

9.The researcher should attach the search tools in a file separate from the text and identify the research support sources (if any).

10.The manuscript should be grammatically correct in both Arabic and English and should be edited by a language specialist.

11.The researcher should translate all Arabic references used in his/her paper. Two lists of the referenes (Arabic & English) should be submitted in All Arabic papers.

12.The researcher will be sent an electronic copy (PDF) of the issue in which his/her paper is published.