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The objective is to introduce a semi-analytical method for solving axisymmetric problems of electromagnetic induction in thin spherical caps placed in a time-varying magnetic field due to an axial magnetic dipole or in a time-varying uniform axial magnetic field. This method provides approximate solutions to mathematically difficult mixed boundary-value problems governing the induction of electric currents in thin sheets, for arbitrary angles of the cap. Numerical results are given and discussed. The best approximations were obtained for sheets with integrated conductivity decreasing to zero towards the edge of the sheet. The case of uniform conductivity, characterized by weak singularities of the induced magnetic vector potential at the rim of the cap, yielded relatively large errors and is dealt with separately within an improved model. The method may be adequately extended to deal with other problems involving more complicated geometries, arbitrary electric conductivity distributions and inducing magnetic fields, in two or three dimensions, for various geophysical applications.




Spherical cap Geomagnetic applications Axisymmetric case.

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