- The current submission has not been previously published nor is it currently submitted to another journal for consideration.
- The submission text files are in Microsoft Office (.doc, .docx), OpenOffice (.odt), RTF (rtf) or Apple Pages (.pages) document file format.
- The text of the document uses a 12-point standard font with a 14-16 point leading (space between lines) on A4 or US-Letter format pages with page numbers and line numbers. Manuscript conforms to the journal recommended styles, length and number of sections.
- The Abstract of the paper follows the structured format described in the guide for authors and includes a single paragraph (<300 words) with 5 inline headings (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions) and keywords for the manuscript are provided.
- Photography (or photographic plates) are submitted in the jpeg (.jpg) file format at 300 dots per inch (dpi) with 80% compression quality or better. Line drawings and other figures should be preferably submitted as vector graphics such as pdf, eps or svg files. Alternatively, high resolution (600dpi) image format are acceptable (PNG, TIFF, GIF).
- All tables including (legend, description and footnotes) and all figure captions are part of the submission main text file.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in this document which can also be found in the Journal web site.
- The manuscript has been “spell-checked” and “grammar-checked”.
Manuscripts should be submitted online via the Editorial Manager system at https://journals.squ.edu.om/index.php/squjs/login