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The study aimed at understanding the effectivenessof a training program based on Psychodrama on improving social competence in children with learning disabilities. The sample of the study consisted of 50 students who suffer from a lack of social competence and who were enrolled in the resources rooms in government schools in Jeddah. The students were divided into two groups, one experimental (25 students) and one control group (25 students). Applying the tools of the study, findings showed that the training program led to improving social competence. The scale of social competence was administered prior to the implementation of the training program and re-administered after 8 weeks. The hypotheses of the study were tested with Wilcoxon Z test. The results indicated that there were significant differences in the means of performance of the experimental group between pre- and post-implementation of the two scales. According to the results, the researcher recommends the use of psychodrama as a strategy to improve social competence in children with learning disabilities, in addition to training teachers on how to select and develop such programs.


Psychodrama social competence learning disabilities Psychodrama social competence learning disabilities

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