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The study aimed at exploring the degree of the application of quality standards in post basic-education schools from the perceptive of supervisors and senior teachers in the Sultanate of Oman. The study sample consisted of 129 supervisors and 137 senior teachers selected from six educational governorates: Muscat, Ad Dakhiliyah,  Al Batinah North, Sharqiyah North, Al Buraimi, and Dhofar during academic year 2015/2016. The data was collected by a questionnaire consisting of 53 statements, categorized in seven areas of quality standards: planning; school curriculum; teaching and learning; learners affairs; human and financial resources; and community. The results showed that quality standards were applied to a large extent in the areas of human resources, learner's affairs and planning, and to a medium degree in the other remaining areas.  Findings also revealed statistically significant differences in applying the standards due to gender in favor of females in all areas. Moreover, there were statistically significant differences in the degree of applying quality standards in schools in favor of senior teachers in all areas except curriculum. Based on the results, a number of recommendations were provided.


Quality standards quality management post basic-education schools.

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