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This study aimed at identifying the level of implementing School Based Family Counseling (SBFC) Interventions among school counselors in their work, their theoretical orientation, beliefs, their degree of readiness to use it in their schools and factors that challenge the implementation of SBFC. To address the questions of the study, the researcher constructed a school based family counseling questionnaire which consisted of three parts. The sample of the study consisted of 91 male and female school counselors selected from Jordanian public schools in four governmental directorates. The results of the study revealed that 79.1% of the school counselors use SBFC interventions. They also showed that behavioral family counseling was the most widely used among the participants, whereas family systems theories were the least used. Moreover, the results indicated that school counselors had strong positive beliefs about implementing SBFC, but their degree of readiness to implement SBFC and the challenges of implementing SBFC interventions were moderate.


School counselors school based family counseling family systems.

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