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This study aimed to explore the perceptions of secondary school teachers in the State of Qatar toward the criteria for designing and evaluating e-learning  and educational software in education in the independent secondary schools. A questionnaire was designed and validated, and was administered to a sample of 400 male and female secondary independent school teachers. The results revealed the following: High agreement among most of the teachers about the importance of the instructional design criteria for e-learning and educational software. A significant difference was found between male and female teachers in favor of male teachers; and a significant difference was found between those who attended computer workshops only and those who attended computer workshops plus ICDL, in favor of the latter group. No significant interactions were found for: gender by years of experience;  gender by computer workshops; gender by major; years of experience by major; years of experience by computer workshops; and computer workshops by major. The results were interpreted and some recommendations and future studies were suggested


E-learning software criteria design criteria independent secondary school

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