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This study aimed at identifying the level of social responsibility, procrastination and achievement motivation among Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University students in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. It also aimed to explore the correlational relations between social responsibility, procrastination and achievement motivation and to uncover the differences between male and female students on these three variables. The study was conducted on a sample of 1880 male and female students. Social responsibility, and procrastination scales, as well as the achievement motivation test were employed after verifying their psychometric properties. The results showed that while the university students practice both social responsibility and procrastination at a medium level, they practice achievement motivation at a high level. The study further showed a significant, negative correlation between social responsibility and procrastination, and significant positive correlation between responsibility and achievement motivation. Furthermore, the study showed statistically significant differences between males and females in social responsibility and procrastination in favour of male students; and statistically significant differences in the achievement motivation in favor of females.


Social responsibility procrastination achievement motivation Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University.

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