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The study aimed to explore the causal relationships between supervising working alliance, counseling self-esteem and attachment styles through a causal model adopting a path analysis method. The study sample consisted of 289 counseling students at Yarmouk University. Three scales were administered to measure the supervising working alliance, self-esteem and attachment styles.  Results showed a direct relationship between avoidant attachment styles and supervising working alliance, and an indirect relationship with counseling self-esteem. There was a direct relationship between secure attachment style, supervising working alliance and counseling self-esteem; and between supervising working alliance and counseling self-esteem.  In addition, direct and indirect relationships were evident between avoidant attachment style and special relationship domain of supervising working alliance and counseling self-esteem; whereas it affected client focus domain with a direct relationship. Direct relationships also were evident between secure attachment styles, the relationship domain and self-focus domain.  


Causal attribution supervisory working alliance counseling self esteem attachment patterns.

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