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The study aimed to build a list of the future knowledge economy skills that should be available in Omani education in accordance with the requirements of the knowledge economy. Using the Delphi method, the data was collected by sending a list of these skills to a sample of experts representing elite decision makers, experts and local academics in the economic, technological and educational fields, in three rounds. The results showed that the skills of the knowledge economy that Omani education should focus on are divided into five main skills: first: basic knowledge skills, second: communication skills third: knowledge production, fourth: digital skills, Fifth: Vocational and life skills, and finally: organizational skills, leadership skills and responsibility. The results indicated that basic knowledge skills were at the top of the five skills, followed by life and professional skills, digital skills, interpersonal skills and communication skills. The study recommended number of recommendations.


Knowledge economy knowledge economy skills school education Delphi method.

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