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This study aimed to  investigate the effectiveness of educational infographics in the academic achievement and the development of geological sense among tenth grade students in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve the goals of the study, a sample of 452 female students from grade ten were chosen. They were divided into two groups. The effectiveness of infographics was measured by building an achievement test consisting of 25 single-type multiple choice items, and short essay questions. Likewise, a measure of geological sense was prepared, which consisted of 36 items distributed in 6 main categories: (the aesthetic sense, the scientific sense, the educational sense, the psychological sense, the national sense, and the economic sense). The validity of the two tools was verified by presenting them to 20 arbitrators. Their consistency was calculated using the internal consistency by the Cronbach alpha method, where the value of the stability coefficient in the test was 0.785, and the stability of the geological sense scale was 0.869. The results of the study indicated that there is a statistically significant difference between the female students’ scores in both the achievement and the geological sense scale for the benefit of the experimental group. In light of the results, the study recommended activating the use of infographics in the teaching of  geographical issues and spreading a culture of its use.


Infographics academic achievement geological sense basic tenth grade.

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