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This study aimed to identify the relationship between religiosity and life in satisfaction and the meaning in life, the differences between male and female on these variables, and the role of the meaning in life as a mediating factor in the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction. The study sample consisted of 243 Undergraduate male and female students in the State of Kuwait. To gather the data, questionnaire on the meaning in life, the measure of Kuwait University for Religionو and the measure of life satisfaction was used. The results showed that the matrix of correlation coefficients between the degrees of religiosity, life satisfaction, the presence of meaning, and the search for meaning is positive and statistically significant. There were no significant differences in the variables according to gender.  It was found that the presence of meaning in life mediates statistically and completely the relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction.


Meaning in life, life satisfaction, religiosity, mediator variable. معنى الحياة، التدين، الرضا عن الحياة، العامل الوسيط.

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