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This study aimed to identify the level of psychological anxiety about the Corona Virus (COVID-19) among Omani, Bahraini and Residents families, and to identify if there are differences in the level of anxiety due to gender, qualification, age, and job title. The study sample consisted of 2107 respondents, which were selected randomly. An anxiety questionnaire that was developed by the researchers was used as the main research tool. The results showed that the level of anxiety was moderate. The study also showed no differences in the level of anxiety between Omani and Bahraini families, while the level of anxiety was high among residents compared to citizens in both countries. The results indicated that females a have higher level of anxiety than males do. In addition, respondents who were above 40 years have lower anxiety than others. As for qualification, the study showed that respondents who have a secondary level qualification (or less) are feeling anxious more than those with higher qualifications. Finally, the unemployed respondents were found to be more anxious than those who have jobs and the retirees. This study suggested a number of recommendations.


جائحة كورونا كوفيد 19 التوتر العائلات Corona pandemic (Covid- 19) anxiety families

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