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The study aimed to identify the level of understanding of the nature of science among the Biology teachers in the directorate of Irbid and its relation to the level of their explanation of Biological phenomena. The sample of the study comprised 120 teachers who teach biology in the directorate of Irbid Kasbah district. A test was developed to measure the level of teachers' understanding of the nature of science. Another test was developed to measure the level of teachers' explanation of the biological phenomenon. The tools was applied on the sample study. The results pointed out a moderate degree of teachers' understanding of the nature of science, and showed that there were no significant differences in the level of teachers' understanding due to their gender, the number of years of experience, or the interaction between them. In addition, the results pointed out a high degree of teachers' explanation of biological phenomena, and there were no significant differences in the ability of teachers to explain the biological phenomenon due to their gender, the years of experience or the interaction between them. In addition, the findings revealed a significant correlation between teachers' understanding of the nature of science and their ability to explain biological phenomena.


Biology teachers, nature of science biological phenomena explanation nature of science معلمو الأحياء تفسير الظواهر البيولوجية طبيعة العلم

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