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The study aimed at investigating Arabic teachers rating degree of the importance of pre-reading questions (as an instructional scaffolder) on enhancing reading comprehension and their practices for it, and whether there were statistical significant differences due to their qualification and teaching experience. To achieve the aims of the study, the researcher prepared a rating degree of the importance of pre-reading questions on enhancing reading comprehension scale consisted of 17 items, and their practices scale, consisted of eight items, administered on 155 Jordanian basic stage Arabic teachers. The results of the study revealed that the teachers rating degree of the importance of pre-reading questions (as instructional scaffolder) on enhancing reading comprehension was high, and their practicing degree was moderate. The results also revealed statistical significant differences in the rating degree of the importance of questions and their practices due to the qualification in the favor of higher studies, and teaching experience in the favor of 10 years and more.


فهم المقروء السقّالة التعليمية نشاطات ما قبل القراءة أسئلة ما قبل القراءة معلمو اللغة العربية. Reading comprehension, instructional scaffolder pre-reading activities pre-reading questions Arabic teachers

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