منشور: Aug 25, 2019

Smoking among Sultan Qaboos University Students: Prevalence rates, attitudes, causes and treatment

5-20 Said Al-Dhafri

awareness of family counseling services

21-33 Munira Abdullah Al-Fakri

The Electronic Judicial Notice: Between Legalization and Technology

35-50 Ahmed M Elsawi، Nagwa Abouhaiba

Corporate Social Responsibility: Arab Potash Company as an Example

51-68 Areen Al Hadeed، Mohammed Najib El Sarayrah

Arab reception of the theory of the new rhetoric of C. Perelman and L. T achievements of researchers and expectations of readers yteca.

69-84 Bachir Derdar

Geographical and administrative divisions of Oman peninsula in Islamic Middle Ages from 1 H/ 7 Ad to the end of 9 H/ 15 AD

85-102 Khalid Khalfan Al Wihaibi

Refuting Abu Barakat Al-Anbari›s Opinion on the Possibility of Coupling the Pronoun with the Genitive

103-112 Basel Faisal AL-ZU'BI، Thanaa Shaher AL-DEWAIRY

A safavid oil lamp from Iran preserved in the museum of Astaneh Moqaddaseh in Qum: A study in the shape, function and significance

113-125 Hosam Tantawy

The Nature of Oman’s Relations with Iran

5-14 Hani Albasoos، Zeinab Mohammed Ali، Asila S Al Hasni، Sara Al Shizawi

The Use of Remote Sensing and GIS to Study Land Use Changes in Barka Wilaya, Oman

15-20 Eyad H Fadda، Fatemah Al Shebli، Ayshah Al Kabi